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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

Become a Member

GLSPS membership is open to anyone interested in helping preserve maritime history.

It's easy to become a member - annual dues for the "Crew" basic membership level is only $30. Your membership will entitle you to receive up to two newsletters per year, a GLSPS membership sticker, and an opportunity to participate in GLSPS activities, Committees and, sponsored projects. We are a non-profit 501.c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Become a Member - Online

GLSPS Member Benefits

  1. Up to two newsletters per year
  2. Access to the members view of the GLSPS website
  3. Opportunity to participate in the many exciting and rewarding projects aboard our research vessel the R/V Preservation
  4. Annual Fun Dives and Cruise up and or back from Silver Bay on the R/V Preservation.
  5. A variety of training classes and programs the GLSPS offers for members
  6. Discounts on equipment rentals and free air fills for members participating in projects
  7. Discounts on dive equipment purchased from your local dive shops that participate in the annual Upper Midwest Scuba and Adventure Travel Show
  8. Annual General Membership Meeting held in the fourth quarter of the year, typically in November
  9. A chance to help the Society as an active member by helping or leading a Committee, Project Leader and, learn more about preserving maritime history.  It's also a great way to help you become more of a dynamic person in your careers and your everyday life.
The best thing about being a member is the satisfaction of knowing your annual dues and donations are going to a worthy cause to help protect and preserve maritime history for years to come.

You will receive email communications and announcements from the GLSPS website,  (Or Club Express).  Some of the emails you will be receiving are, Newsletters, Meeting notices, Upcoming Programs and Projects, and any other GLSPS activities or society news.

The Board of Directors Meeting is the first Tuesday of each month and are open to any member. The meetings provide an opportunity to meet other Society members, to get involved with GLSPS activities, and to provide input into the direction of the Society by becoming a Board of Director. 

So please join us in the fun helping preserve maritime history by clicking on the membership level you prefer.

Tax Deductible Membership Levels:

  1. Crew - $30
  2. Crew Family -$40 Up to Four Additional Family Members
  3. Watchman - $50
  4. Watchman Family - $60 Up to Four additional Family Members
  5. Boatswain - $100
  6. Boatswain Family - $110 Up to Four Additional Family Members
  7. Helmsman - $200
  8. Helmsman Family - $210 Up to Four Additional Family Members
  9. Mate - $500
  10. Mate Family - $510 Up to Four Additional Family Members
  11. Plank Owner - $1000
  12. Plank Owner Family - $1010 Up to Four Additional Family Members
* Memberships Watchman and above are listed in our newsletters.

Thank you for considering becoming a GLSPS Member.  We look forward to you being an active member and joining us on a future project!

GLSPS News, Events and Projects

Recent Articles
Recent News
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Things Happening Around the Community

The GLSPS is not in charge and has no control over the following events.  All items are subject to change without notice per the owner of said events.  Please contact the owner of the event for more details on how to register or attend.

Upcoming Events
Other Events
Upcoming Events
Fun Dives
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Travel

"GLSPS Newsletters"

The 2024 - 2025 Winter Newsletter is Now Available!

Click Here to view your copy of the "2024 - 2025 Winter Newsletter".

Please Note: You will need to log onto the GLSPS website as a Member to obtain your copy.

Click Here to view your copy of the "2024 Spring Newsletter".

Click Here to view your copy of the "2023 - 2024 Winter Newsletter".

3D Shipwreck - Photogrammetry


J H Jones

The Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society Thanks to Ken Merryman and his circumnavigating adventures he was still able to continue with the 3D Photogrammetry Process we set up over the years

Our GLSPS divers aboard the "Heyboy" have performed the necessary dives to shoot the images to create the 3D models.

We have added a few more 3D Shipwreck Images to the GLSPS 3D Photogrammetry Database.  Please feel free to take a look at the database by clicking on the link to the 3D Shipwrecks Website.

In the future we hope to add more 3D images to the Database. 

Join us for the Next GLSPS Dive Project on the
R/V Preservation

RV Preservation Image 600px244px

If you are interested in joining the GLSPS staff and fellow members for the opportunity to dive on the the most famous shipwrecks along the North Shore and at the same time help monitor them for deterioration using modern photo and video equipment, please take a moment to learn more by participating in a program or project.  Please check out the "Upcoming Events" or "Events Calendar" under the above "GLSPS" pull down Menu, and view what event you are interested in, and register.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Program or Project Leader of the event.
We are always looking for Monetary donations to go towards our maritime preservation projects.  We greatly appreciated your generous donations and what you can do to help the Society Preserve Maritime History.
Please click on the Donations menu.
Remember, donations are tax-deductible as we are a 501(c3) non-profit organization!
Please Contact Us if you have any additional questions in regards to any of our projects or events.