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Shipwreck Documentation Site Skills Course
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
This project is a level 2 project which means you are required to have a basic scuba certification and have at least 20 logged dives.
10 Total Slots
8 Available Slot(s)
About this event
Attention Documentation Course Registrants
The Documentation Course has been canceled until next year.
Please return to the GLSPS website in the near future to register for the Course when the new date is established.
Would you like to learn underwater archeological site survey and mapping?
If you do, you must Register ASAP. New date TBD. However, you can still register for next years project now. Click on "Register Now" to save your spot.
The Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society has been doing more underwater archeological site survey and mapping for placing shipwrecks on the National Register of Historic Sites and for historic area mappings. To help attain trainer divers to participate these projects the GLSPS is presenting this class on underwater shipwreck documentation:
This is your chance to learn new diving related skills and get involved with exciting GLSPS projects.
The Course will allow you to learn the skills and practice the Documentation of an underwater shipwreck by drawing to scale underwater, measuring with tri-lateration, and transferring the information to a site plan once on shore.
All participants must fill out Master Liability and Waiver Forms
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