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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

2015 - Madeira and Hesper - Closing Report

Corey Daniel | Published on 7/26/2015
Closing Report:


This year two dives were made on the Madeira wreck on Friday. Jack Decker, Corey and Steve Daniel were able to early Friday. Jim Christiansen and Dave Olsen arrived Friday night and dove Saturday and Sunday. Tom Peterson and John Nouisaine arrived at the wreck on Saturday on Toms boat to assist with photography. A lot of good dives and lots of pics taken. The wreck hasn't changed from last year. Divers covered the bow, stern, pilot house and a lot of the mid section. Some time was spent in the shallower wreckage closer to the cliff. The loose piece in the swim thru of the stern section appears to be in the same condition as last year. It is always important to remember the dangers of wreck diving. This wreck is over 100 years old and deteriorating. Always take precautions when entering a wreck and be aware of whats overhead. I don't feel unsafe in or around this wreck, but there are very loose pieces everywhere. Sometimes better not to touch.


I like to finish the weekend and project with a nice long dive on this wreck. Visibility was good and the wreck appears to be intact and unchanged. The rudder looked great, the bilge pump was upright, and no deer carcass under starboard section near engine area. There were some bones noticed towards bow but not sure if from the deer. The wreck looks great and glad to see it sustain year after year.

I want to thank everyone who participated on this project for their time and hard work. Job well done by everyone!