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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomeEventsLake Phalen Beach Cleanup & Fun Dive

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Lake Phalen Beach Cleanup & Fun Dive

Date and Time

Saturday, May 26, 2018, 9:30 AM until 6:00 PM


Lake Phalen St Paul
1400 Phalen Dr.
St Paul , MN  

Event Contact(s)

Dean Soderbeck


GLSPS/BSA 820 Collaboration

Registration Info

Registration is recommended
Please bring your dive equipment, warmer clothes and beverages. Full tanks will be provided by BSA Scuba Crew 820. Drop by Northland Scuba for special pricing on other rental equipment!

About this event


Lake Phalen Beach Cleanup Event

Please click on Link below to obtain the Official Flyer

BSA Lake Phalen Beach Clean up - Official Flyer

Sponsored by: 
BSA Venture Crew 820 and Northland Scuba

Scuba Crew 820 & GLSPS


8th Annual Phalen Lake beach cleanup                                                           

Beach House @ 1400 Phalen Drive

St. Paul, MN


 Saturday morning, May 26, 2018 - Only one Day!

We have two areas around the lake that need underwater clean-up this year.


Lake Phalen Lake Beach House – 9:00 AM (Check in) to 2:00 PM

Team 1 - Go over logistics and pair up divers and non-divers (beach area)

                 for shallow water and deep underwater clean-up zones.

Team 2 - Locate underwater anchor pins & chains, connect them to the floating mooring ball (20-23’deep)


12:00pm -- lunch


1:00pm -- proceed to second clean-up area location at 1530 Phalen Drive (Phalen Lakeside Activities Center north of the Beach House). This area should only take one hour.


3:00pm -- head home                                               



The surface water should be about 60 degrees; 23 feet below the surface it is usually around 52 degrees.         Visibility varies from 6 to 12 feet.


Divers from BSA Scuba Venture Crew 820 will team up with divers from the Great Lakes Shipwreck     Preservation Society (GLSPS) in the cleanup. We do need additional volunteers to serve as shore support.


Divers will find a lot of glass, pop cans, and other unusual items in the water. We will also assist the City of         St. Paul by locating the existing mooring anchor chains for the floating swim platform, attaching the mooring  anchor chains to large floats on the surface so the cities life guards can finish connecting them to the swim raft. 


At the Lakeside Activities Center, we will be cleaning debris underwater from shore to about 12 feet of water.      A lot of junk thrown from the promenade deck needs to be removed from the lake bottom.


To register, we need your name, age, phone number, height, weight, and shoe size.           

Sign-up cutoff date is Friday, May 11th.    


This is a free event. Tank of air and lunch provided by BSA Venture Crew 820.


For more information about the outing call                 

Dean Soderbeck

Advisor, BSA Scuba Venture Crew 820                                             

GLSPS, 2nd Vice President


