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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

3DShipwrecks - Aloha

Published on 3/30/2023
We just added another Kingston shipwreck to our website and database. The 173 ft schooner barge Aloha was built in 1888 as a schooner but later converted to a schooner barge in 1902. Although built as a US vessel in 1914 it was sold and reregistered Canadian. It sank in a gale in 1917 while in tow of steamer C.W. CHAMBERLAIN off Nine Mile Point on Simcoe Island. The Skipper was lost but four of the crew were rescued. The wreck was sold to Milnes Coal Co., but never raised. A purposely sunk dive boat Effie Mae lies beside it as an additional dive attraction. The model was created from 1,951 30 megapixel images shot on a single DPV dive. The link to the new model is: