The GLSPS Sponsors another Emergency First Responder Course for all Members
The GLSPS sponsored another Emergency First Responder Course April 3,
2012. The Course is offered every two years to keep the active
membership up-to-date on their skills to apply in the event of an
Emergency during a project or any time or place in between.
Scott Wemyss, an EMT for the Roseville Fire Department was the main
instructor along with his associate instructors Karen and Michael.
They all did a tremendous job in training us to be Emergency First
This EFR course was customized for the GLSPS. Many times the GLSPS
preservation projects we perform are in remote locations. EMS is not an
immediate resource or luxury for us in most cases, so we need to have
these special skill sets and the necessary emergency equipment to
maximize the best emergency situation we may encounter.
We first started out with a review of the study guide which the
students were required to read before the course. After the review, we
took the required test. After all students completed the test, Scott
went through all the questions on the test to make sure we had all the
right answers. Everyone agreed they did 80% or better on the test.
Most aced it of course!
Then the fun started. We all had a chance to practice what we
learned on Anne or Andy, (the dummy's provided for the course). We each
took our turns moving around to each station consisting of, CPR, AED,
Oxygen application, secondary first aid then finally back board
procedures using a real person / patient with a spinal injury. We also
studied certain scenarios involving the possibility of a drown victim.
It was all a great learning experience. We now have reviewed the
material and performed the procedures on a practice prop and now have
more confidence and better idea as to what to do in case of an
emergency. Any person that finds themselves in an emergency laying on
the floor, ground or on the deck of a boat, may have a better chance of
survival with the training we received.
If you haven't ever gone through a course like this in your life you
may want to very soon. It is a very important skill set to know for
you, your family, co workers, friends and dive buddy's. The learned
process of an EFR could quite possibly be used some day.
Please take a moment to find a local training facility such as a dive
shop that offers this course and learn these skills. Most dive shops
in your area offer this kind of training course certain times of the
year. So please, don't hesitate to sign up.
Thank you to all 15 people that joined us for this course and for keeping up-to-date on your Emergency First responder Certifications.. It will help prepare you for any emergency event.
Photos Provided By Steve Daniel
Have a 2012 summer of safe travels and diving,
Phil Kerber
GLSPS President
Safety and Training Officer