The Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society
Presents Three Awards at the
2015 Annual Upper Midwest Scuba and Adventure Travel Show.
Congratulations to Myron Haynes, Bob Olson and Keith Meverden.
Presenting the Awards and Master of Ceremonies of the Awards Banquet Dinner is Phil Kerber, President of the GLSPS
Myron Haynes - Dive Community Contribution Award
I don’t know if many of you know that Myron is an Eagle Scout with 3 palms. I asked Myron what year
he received his Eagle Award, but he could not remember. (His age is starting to show).
Myron became a certified diver in 1977, and in 1978 landed a dream job with Sam Wampler the founder
of Sea Base, who started to develop a high adventure program using the waters in and around the
Florida Keys a year earlier. Myron Haynes was hired as the “Assistant Director” of BSA’s Florida National
High Adventure Sea Base program. Myron thought he was some hot stuff being the number one man in
the new organization. But when you ask Myron how many people where working at Sea Base at the
time, it was just Sam Wampler and himself. Myron would coordinate trips to Freeport in The Bahamas
for the Scuba Program and charter 40 foot sailing vessels out of Miami for the Florida Key Adventure. At
that time they used Sam’s station wagon and operated out of a warehouse in Miami, and already had
over 700 participants through the program. Myron can remember when BSA purchased the Old Toll
Gate Motel and Marina with 6.3 acres on the South end of Lower Matecumbe Key in 1979. Today Sea
Base has 12 high adventure programs now, and has had over 14,000 attendees. Since then, Myron
worked at Tomahawk Scout Reservation in northern Wisconsin as Scout Camp Director at Chippewa
Camp, and from 1979 to 1981 Myron was a BSA District Executive with St. Paul’s “Indianhead Council”
and serviced Little Crow and Eagle River district in Wisconsin.
Myron became a Dive Instructor in 1979 and now holds the highest level instructor certifier rating that
SSI provides. March 16, 1981 Myron started Northland Divers, training in 250 new divers a year. When
asked, Myron can’t remember how many divers he has certified over the years but he said it is more
than 2,000. Northland Divers changed its name in 2010 to Northland Scuba, as people called him up
thinking that Northland Divers was a dive salvage company. November 11, 2013 Myron started another
dive shop called Northland Scuba West, in Eden Prairie. This shop has its own pool to better service his
Myron has been a frequent guest speaker for the Midwest Dive Show and Mankato State College. This
college happens to be Myron’s alma mater.
Myron has been diving all around the world including exotic places like; Australia, Yap, Philippines,
Chuuk (Truk), seven times to Palau, and many other places.
August of 1998, Northland Scuba signed on as the Charter Partner to BSA Scuba Venture Crew 820. And
has supported the crew’s activities and has graciously filled all their air tanks at no cost. The Crew
estimates that Northland has filled over 1.3 million pounds of air, and now is letting the crew use his
pool at no cost for their activities.
Myron Haynes has given so much to our diving industry since 1978, and is truly deserving of this
recognition for his exceptional dedication to the upper Midwest scuba diving community. For his
support of the local dive community and dedication to fostering the next generation of divers the Great
Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society and all of those Myron has helped along the way, with all due
respect and gratitude, honors Myron Haynes with the 2015 Dive Community Contribution Award.
Robert Olson - GLSPS Appreciation Award
Bob Olson has been such a prime mover to GLSPS during his time as a member and board member that
hopefully summarizing his accomplishments will in no way dilute their value. Bob is one of the founding
members of GLSPS who spent a year of meetings in 1995 hammering out the goals and foundations of
our organization. He served as president for three years, first vice president for six years, sink-a-ship
chairman for seven years, access chairman for fourteen years, and headed the restoration of our
donated work boat Preservation for three years, two years of which it sat in his driveway nagging him to
finish this mammoth undertaking. He took part in hundreds of meetings, numerous shows and fund
raisers, and spent many hours on email or the phone communicating with members.
If you use the Hesper Access, the Madeira Access, any of the North Shore shipwreck buoys, or dive the
Just For Fun, you should say thanks to Bob Olson for laying the groundwork and following through on
behalf of GLSPS for those projects. What makes GLSPS successful is the ability of its members to
sometimes lead, sometimes follow, and always support each other in projects, and Bob has done more
than his share of each. On projects he did not lead Bob was there as a supporter and worker.
Whenever a bit of elbow grease was needed, Bob was willing to roll up his sleeves and get the job done.
Whether it was attaching a mooring system to a wreck, welding parts for the Preservation, refinishing
the America Spiral Staircase, manning the GLSPS booth, speaking at a dive show, doing the dirty work to
rehabilitate the SS Meteor, doing underwater stabilization on the SS America or S.P. Ely, or helping to
frame a garage or strip a roof off a house to raise money for GLSPS, Bob dug in and completed more
than his share of the work. When it came to exploring Lake Superior's newly found deep shipwrecks for
nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, more than once Bob proved his incredible ability
to do the mooring work or salvage a drop camera in over 300 feet of water. He did it selflessly for the
pleasure of being able to explore Lake Superior's historic treasures.
Being a committed and driven person like Bob, does at times take its toll, and there were times when
Bob had to step back to remedy his burn-out. For that our gratitude is accompanied with our apologies.
In 2012 we lost Bob's invaluable participation to his new demanding cross-country trucking job, which
he thoroughly enjoys. Few others have given so generously of their time and talents to the GLSPS cause.
For his tireless work ethic and the many, many hours committed to the various GLSPS projects, and for
being a great friend and dive partner, the Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society with the utmost
gratitude proudly honors Bob Olson with our 2015 GLSPS Appreciation Award.
Keith Meverden - C. Patrick Labadie Special Acknowledgement Award
The shipwreck preservation community is blessed with a number of dedicated and driven professionals
and Keith Meverden is one of those professionals. Keith served in the Gulf War as a US Army-licensed
Mate aboard the Army’s 174-foot LCU2000 landing craft class vessels. He holds USCG Master and
Towing licenses and is a commissioned officer in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. Keith earned his
Master’s degree in Maritime History and Nautical Archeology from East Carolina University and has
worked on projects throughout the US Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, including the USS
Monitor. He started his position as Underwater Archeologist for the Wisconsin Historical Society in 2004
a position which he held for nine years. He is currently a Conservation Warden in Sheboygan County so
is still heavily involved with Lake Michigan Underwater Resources. Wisconsin is unique in Great Lakes
states as being the only state with a staff Underwater Archeologist. The position and underwater
archeology program is not heavily funded so programs rely on grants and volunteers lead by
professionals to accomplish an amazing amount of work. I'm sure working with volunteers and para-
professionals is often frustrating and difficult, but the value in these community programs can readily be
seen in the proliferation of an amazing shipwreck ethic that prevails in our Great Lakes diving
community. During his time as the Wisconsin Underwater Archeologist Keith Meverden and Tamara
Thomsen have nominated and added more than 25 shipwrecks to the National Register of Historic
Places, have surveyed numerous underwater historic sites, and have written over 15 research papers
and articles documenting these precious pieces of our Great Lakes History.
Keith has been a presenter at our GLSPS Dive Into the Past and UMSAT Shows. In 2004 through 2006
when our shipwreck hunting team was successful in finding and diving six new deep water shipwrecks
and was questioning what was the right thing to do with the finds, it was Keith's advice we took. It was
Keith who reminded me that we are all short timers in history and the preservation of these shipwrecks
will need to go on long after GLSPS and our good intentions cease to exist. In several long discussions
with Keith and our Minnesota National Register Archeologist Scott Anfinson, we were convinced that
adding them to the National Register of Historic Places was the correct action. The result of those
discussions was the creation a National Register Nomination program within GLSPS to support that
direction. Since that time GLSPS has sponsored the nominations of five shipwrecks to the National
Register, four of which we worked with Keith and Tamara to accomplish. The shipwreck Mayflower
survey and National Register Nomination Project was a tremendous amount of work for Keith and
Tamara. Working for hours in ninety feet of water, they did a thorough survey and detailed drawing of
the site. The result was an amazing drawing of the site, the addition of the Mayflower data to their
research on Great Lakes scow schooners, and the addition of the Mayflower to the National Register of
Historic Places.
For his dedication to the research and preservation of Great Lakes Maritime History and his work with
the diving community to promote and expand our shipwreck diver ethic, the Great Lakes Shipwreck
Preservation Society thanks and honors Keith Meverden with our 2015 C. Patrick Labadie Special
Acknowledgement Award.
Congratulations once again to all the 2015 Award Winners.
Tune in for next years Awards Banquet Dinner to find out who the next awards recipients are going to be!
GLSPS Board of Directors
Phil Kerber
GLSPS President
Awards Banquet MC
Ken Merryman
Awards Chairman
UMSAT Show Chairman
GLSPS Board Member
Tom Brueshaber
GLSPS Secretary
Nominations Presenter