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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomezzFun Dives on the North Shore 2017

GLSPS Fun Dive Event 2017 (Announcement)

Fun Dives aboard the R/V Preservation from Silver Bay Marina
August 26 - 27, 2017

(Canceled - Weathered Out)!

Join us for this fun and relaxing GLSPS event!

Learn More and Register Now by Clicking on the Link.


Photo above:  Tim in the port engine bay installing the updated exhaust pipe, with Phil, Bob and Jeff supervising.
Photo by Jack Decker

Photo above: Tim watching a loon enjoy the marina.
Photo by Jack Decker
Photo above: Bob, Jeff, and Tim (L to R) at Palisade Head.
Photo by Jack Decker

(Tentative)  Click Here

Hope you can join us this year!

GLSPS Board of Directors

(Canceled - Weathered Out)!  No closing Report for 2017!

2017 GLSPS Fun Dives on the 

R/V Preservation on the North Shore


Closing Report


August 26, 27, 2017


Crew: Phil Kerber (Captain), Jack Decker (Event Leader), Jeff LeMoine, Bob Frenchick, Tim Pranke.

This is a continuation of the GLSPS Board of Directors desire to encourage members that haven’t participated for a while, or not at all, and new members to participate and meet other members. Even though we didn't do any diving, we still had a good time!

The waves were too rough to dive on Saturday, and weren't any better on Sunday.  The sky rained on us for all of Saturday.  We did spend quite a bit of time talking:  scuba, scuba gear, cars, dive sites, etc...  By Saturday afternoon, weather conditions improved enough that we did leave the boat to do some sight seeing up to Palisade Head and inland a bit.

So, despite not being able to dive, we still accomplished some of the goals of the Board of Directors.  We had a good, safe, time and got to know other members!

Jack Decker

GLSPS Event Leader