GLSPS Fun Dive Event 2017 (Announcement)
Fun Dives aboard the R/V Preservation from Silver Bay Marina
August 26 - 27, 2017
(Canceled - Weathered Out)!
Join us for this fun and relaxing GLSPS event!
Learn More and Register Now by Clicking on the Link.
Photo above: Tim in the port engine bay installing the updated exhaust pipe, with Phil, Bob and Jeff supervising.
Photo by Jack Decker
Photo above: Tim watching a loon enjoy the marina.
Photo by Jack Decker
Photo above: Bob, Jeff, and Tim (L to R) at Palisade Head.
Photo by Jack Decker
Itinerary (Tentative) Click Here
Hope you can join us this year!
GLSPS Board of Directors
(Canceled - Weathered Out)! No closing Report for 2017!
2017 GLSPS Fun Dives on the
R/V Preservation on the North Shore
Closing Report
August 26, 27, 2017
Crew: Phil Kerber (Captain), Jack Decker (Event Leader), Jeff LeMoine, Bob Frenchick, Tim Pranke.
This is a continuation of the GLSPS Board of Directors desire to encourage members that haven’t participated for a while, or not at all, and new members to participate and meet other members. Even though we didn't do any diving, we still had a good time!
The waves were too rough to dive on Saturday, and weren't any better on Sunday. The sky rained on us for all of Saturday. We did spend quite a bit of time talking: scuba, scuba gear, cars, dive sites, etc... By Saturday afternoon, weather conditions improved enough that we did leave the boat to do some sight seeing up to Palisade Head and inland a bit.
So, despite not being able to dive, we still accomplished some of the goals of the Board of Directors. We had a good, safe, time and got to know other members!
Jack Decker
GLSPS Event Leader