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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomezzCruise RV Preservation to Silver Bay 2018

2018 R/V Preservation - Cruise to Silver Bay Marina 



June 16, 17, 2018

Every year the RV Preservation is cruised up the North Shore of Lake Superior to it's final summer destination and slip, Silver Bay Marina.  The GLSPS Board of Directors and project leaders decided it would be best to keep the vessel centrally located to most of the projects scheduled for the season.  Because this is a two day event the GLSPS decided to make it a cruise that both the non diving and diving membership could enjoy.  Please click here to learn more about the event.

On the way up the north shore GLSPS diver volunteers install the shipwreck mooring buoys.  Moorings buoys are installed by the access committee and are there for boats to moor on while scuba diving the shipwrecks.

This year we found that the down line on the S.P. Ely has be removed (stolen)  If you know any information about who may have taken it, we would like to have it back since it wasn't even a year old.  Therefore the volunteers haven't been able to install the buoy until a new down line and other attaching hardware has been purchased and assembled.

Please see "Wreck / Dive Sites" Page of the is website to see the dates and what and when the shipwreck mooring buoy's were installed.

Please join us for this really adventurous cruise.  We have a great time cruising, diving, installing the shipwreck mooring buoys and the comradeship you get from this kind of event.

Hope to see some new faces this year.

Ken Knutson
RV Preservation Chairman Senior Captain

Tim Pranke
Event Leader and Captain

Closing Report: 

Coming soon!!