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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

Home2021 UMSAT Show

The Annual 2021 UMSAT Show

Upper Midwest Scuba & Adventure Travel Show 2021 Photos

Thank You to Everyone that Joined us For the Virtual Show!!

APRIL 8, 9, 10

For more details,
please read below or, go to
the UMSAT Show Website

Or Contact us

Phone 612-567-3305


UMSAT Logo Transparent

The 2021 Physical
is once again
not allowed
given the current
state of the pandemic.

The GLSPS Board of Directors
and Show Committee
agreed to have a

Virtual Show only! Purchase
your Ticket (s) Now!

Speakers / Presenters:

Becky Kagan SchottFred Stonehouse   
        Becky Kagan Schott                       Fred Stonehouse
Ric MixtureDoug Klein

             Ric Mixter                                      Doug Klein  

2021 UMSAT Show Webinar Sponsors

Please give them the recognition by patronizing their businesses and visiting or calling them at their stores.



 Please Click on the Logos Below to Gain Access to their Websites



         BullDog BackPlates  

These Fine Folks are Also Advertisers for the 2021 UMSAT Show Webinar:

Here is a Link to the Video for the Webinar Sponsors and Advertisers that had Single Page Flyer Ads.  

"Superior Public Museums" - Superior WI

"Star of the North Studios" Doris Sampson - Duluth MN

"Southeast Scuba Escape" - Rochester MN  - Video Ad

Double Action Dive Charters  - Video Ad

This year we are still having an Auction for the Sponsors Donated items.  We will be using eBay as our source to manage the "AUCTION". 

Below are links to 7 items that are in the eBay auction this year.  They are very nice pieces of diving equipment! 

The eBay Auction Items Below has Ended.  Thank you very much for those that donated  prizes and those that bid on the Items on eBay! 

Mares Puck Pro 1  - Wrist Dive Computer

Mares Puck Pro 2  - Wrist Dive Computer

Mares Quad 1 - Wrist Dive Computer W/Computer Cable

Mares Quad 2 Wrist Dive Computer W/Computer Cable

Mares Quad 3 - Black Wrist Dive Computer

Scuba Pro Regulator - MK17 EVO/A700

Apeks By Aqua Lung Black Ice BCD

Customized GLSPS & Lake Superior Back Plate


*Health Alert*

In light of the concerns with the corona-virus (COVID-19) in the US, the GLSPS Board of Directors and UMSAT Show Planning Committee have now decided to have a "Virtual" 2021 UMSAT Show.  The state will most likely not clear us to have a physical show by then.

The 2021 Virtual UMSAT Show is Scheduled for April 8, 9, 10, 2021.  The  UMSAT Show is a Major Fund-raiser for the GLSPS. 

We will be presenting one speaker each night starting at 7:00 PM April 8, and one speaker on April 9, starting at 7:00 PM.  Saturday April 10, we will also have two speakers starting at 1:00 PM. 

There will be a Zoom Virtual Social Hour Friday and Saturday after the speakers, an auction on eBay and commercial advertising for Sponsors that would have normally been a sponsor, as an exhibitor or, advertise in the Program Book at the physical show. 

Since this is a major fund raiser for the GLSPS we are asking show participants to purchase a $15.00 ticket (s) 
to receive a link to the conference and a Zoom Social Hour Link.    Please mark you calendars!  The ticket(s) can be purchased from the show website at,  look for the "Tickets" section.

FYI:  If you don't receive a confirmation email right away, please check you Spam or Junk Folders!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by phone 612-567-3305 or email -  

Thank you again and we hope to see you at the first Virtual 2021 UMSAT Show.

Please Note:  There is also information about the 2021 UMSAT Show on the left side bar of this website.

GLSPS Board of Directors
UMSAT Show Committee


Closing Report:



2021 Upper Midwest Scuba and Adventure Travel Show (UMSAT)

A Virtual Show Verses a Physical Show


Another UMSAT show in the books. 

Was it like our usual shows?  No, it was not.  But we still had great speakers, great sponsors, and an enthusiastic group of attendees. 


The UMSAT 2021 show committee worked almost a year planning the show like we usually do, but this year we also had to learn all we could about the “virtual show” format.  In preparation, we attended other virtual shows to see how they worked.  We assembled the software and equipment to put on a virtual show of our own.  Lucky for us, Phil Kerber offered his space for a studio since he also had most of the equipment and A/V experience to set it up properly.  Several practice sessions and one dress rehearsal with our speakers and we were ready to go.  Our speakers were a great help as their previous virtual show lent experience to our offering.


The Studio we set up for the 2021 Virtual UMSAT Show Located at "Phil's Quality Automotive Inc Automotive Service Center" 

With First Speaker Doug Klein.  Support Staff – Ken Lillemo, Andrew Goodman, Jeff Le Moine, and Ken Knutson




Phil Kerber – GLSPS President / Mary Lillemo – UMSAT Show Chairperson

The show is a fundraiser.  This year we had an eBay auction instead of the typical silent auction and raffle.  The income was lower, but the expenses were much lower with no venue to rent.  The virtual show was different, but still a success.  Most importantly, we all heard some amazing stories from top notch speakers.  The after-show virtual events on Friday and Saturday were also incredibly fun and had some amazing discussions. 

We all miss being together for the show and would love to do that again soon, but the virtual 2021 UMSAT show this year was a ton of fun.

Mary Lillemo

UMSAT Show Chairperson