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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomeFun Dives

Fun Dives

Please Note:

This event is put together to get not only fellow GLSPS members together and dive but also our non-active GLSPS Members so that they can experience first hand what it's like to dive and crew off the Society's Research vessel the RV Preservation.

Members can also see first hand how the staff of the research vessel does things on-board the vessel.  Safety is our top priority and are as organized as we are safe. This is NOT a Charter it is simply getting the members together and splitting expenses on food and some fuel. It is an excellent way to join us and have the opportunity to be more active in the GLSPS. Whatever level you decide, there is a place for you as an active member. We are always striving to gain new members and especially active members that like to dive and participate in the projects the GLSPS provides.

Diving off the GLSPS Research vessel is one of the benefits of being a member. This is without a doubt the largest benefit the members have and can enjoy, both divers and NON-divers! The event fills up fast because of the popularity so please don't hesitate to register ASAP.

You are welcome to stay/sleep on the boat. Some folks obtain a Hotel room or make arrangements to camp at a near by campground for Friday and Saturday night(s).  (Except the upper port stern bunk is reserved for the Captain).

Planned Saturday Itinerary:

  1. Departing Silver Bay Marina around 8:00 AM – All Participants must have filled out and submitted the Online Liability Release and Waiver Form 36 to 24 hours before the event. Failure to do so will forfeit your spot on this event.
  2. Boat briefing before we leave the dock.
  3. We are going to make our way to the Madeira shipwreck and make as many dives on it as the group decides and to to point of safety, after we follow the briefing plan..
  4. Return to the Marina and fill tanks on the way to the Marina so they are ready for Sunday.

Planned Sunday Itinerary:

  1. Departing Silver Bay Marina around 8:00 AM
  2. Boat briefing before we leave the dock.
  3. We are going to make our way to the Hesper shipwreck and follow the briefing plan.
  4. Return to the marina.
  5. Clean up the boat and make it ready for the next project.
Please Note:  We can visit other nearby dive spots such as the Charlie Anchor, Black Pebble Beach, Little Two Harbors, The bolder Field below Split Rock Light House or any other diving you would like to do.  Lately the popular this to do is go rock hunting.

Additional Note:

Here are some tips, rules, and reminders about our upcoming dive weekend:  (And for yours and everyone's safety).

• Arrive no later than 7:30 AM Saturday and Sunday, unless staying on board.
• Inform the Project leader of your approximate arrival time and whether you’ll be staying on board Friday night and/or Saturday night.
• Please do not forget to complete, sign, and submit the Online Liability Release and Waiver Form 36 to 24 hours prior to boarding the RV Preservation.
• The temperature on the Lake is typically 10 to 20 °F cooler than on land.  Please dress accordingly.  Unneeded clothing and soft bags should be left in your vehicle.

• 4 meals are provided onboard: 
• Breakfast and lunch on Saturday.
• Breakfast and lunch on Sunday.  
• Saturday night supper is on our own.  Usually, we eat together at a nearby restaurant.  Or buy something we can purchase at a grocery store and cook at the camping area or lounge at the Silver Bay Marina.
• Let the Project Leader know if you have any dietary restrictions or physical limitations.
• Bring your favorite beverage(s). We will supply water and juice.

• If staying onboard:
• Pack using soft luggage, such as duffle bags.  (NO HARD TOTES OR CASES) These can be stored easier and we have limited storage on board.
• Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and warm clothes.
• Bunks onboard are first come, first served. (Except the upper port stern bunk is reserved for the Captain).

  The Marina Has:
• Toilets and shower rooms.  
• Wi-Fi connection - ask for password.
• Project Leader will give you the passcodes/words upon your arrival.
• We do have a fully functioning toilet on board for use while on the Lake.

• Cold diving gear, preferably a dry suit with adequate thermal insulation.
• One tank.
• A compressor is on board and we will fill tanks between dives.
• A completely redundant air source, such as a pony bottle (30 or 40 cu. ft.) is required if diving below 60 ft. (A GLSPS Standard Operating Guideline.)  If you do not have a redundant air source, please contact the Project Leader.
• You are welcome to bring your own milk crate (approximately 1 cu. ft.) or similar, to store your gear under the dive benches.  GLSPS has a few for use.
• Please set up your gear at a seat on the dive deck before we depart port.
• We will hang our suits on the dive deck.
• Return your gear bags and unnecessary gear to your car, we don’t have space to bring everything.
• Please keep your gear together in one place to keep it from getting lost and in others’ way.
• We will conduct a Boat Briefing before we get underway and a Dive Briefing at the dive site.
• Remember: The Lake is the boss!  Winds and waves can come up unexpectantly and prevent us from getting out of the marina or completing a dive day.

• Bring your happy faces and have a good time!
• Any questions, please contact the Project Leader.

Cancellation Policy:
Registration cancellations will be accepted until two days before the event.  The GLSPS Board of Directors has expenses associated with this project after you register. Unfortunately, the GLSPS cannot refund any fees you have paid in advance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  You will maintain a credit for the next project.

If you have any further Questions about the project, please contact the project leader.

We hope to see members on a fun dive to experience the awesome time we experience providing an event like this for our members. 

I’m looking forward to diving with you!

Phil Kerber
Project Leader Captain


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Air Down There Scuba



Air Down There Scuba


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