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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomePrograms Archive

GLSPS Programs

The GLSPS is committed to preserving our deteriorating historic shipwrecks. Like so many problems in today's society, there is no single answer to how to preserve shipwrecks. For that reason, GLSPS is attacking the problem on all fronts. Our motto "From Prevention to Preservation" identifies our philosophy. We educate the public to appreciate these historic treasures in our shipwreck shows and shipwreck displays, and promote the dive ethic "take only pictures, leave only bubbles." We will be developing a Low Impact Shipwreck Diving Class to teach divers to hone skills that minimize damage to the sites they visit. Our mooring buoy program not only makes visiting these sites safer and easier, but also minimizes damage caused by boats anchoring on the site.

Intentionally sinking a ship creates an educational and recreational diving attraction which tends to lure divers away from more historic and fragile shipwreck sites, lessening the traffic and minimizing damage to these sites. The traditional way to preserve shipwreck sites is to preserve the information about the site and by documenting the site in drawings, photographs, videos and now, 3D Photogrammetry.  In past preservation projects the GLSPS has taken the next step, which is to actually repair damage and stabilize these deteriorating sites both underwater and above water. Our monitoring and documenting programs keeps track of changes to the sites over time so we can better understand the causes of the deterioration. We also put back certain artifacts that were removed by divers in the past years when it was popular to do so and legal.

Historic shipwrecks are a non-renewable resource. Using them and preserving them do not have to be contradicting concepts, but only if we are responsible to put back more than we take. Join us in preserving shipwrecks.  Please join us in helping preserve our underwater and above water historical resources by becoming an active member.  Please click on the button on the left side of the website and become a GLSPS Member today!

To Learn more about the GLSPS, here is a link to the detailed  GLSPS 2017 Organizational Structure Outline 1-2017

Upper Midwest Scuba
& Adventure Travel Shows




Documentation & Monitoring


Conferences and Educational Shows


Dive Into the Past Shows (DIP)

  • 2010 DIP Show
  • 2009 DIP Show
  • 2008 DIP Show
  • 2007 DIP Show
  • 2006 DIP Show
  • 2005 DIP Show
  • 2004 DIP Show
  • 2003 DIP Show
  • 2002 DIP Show
  • 2001 DIP Show
  • 2000 DIP Show
  • 1999 Survival Series Show



National Register Nominations

GLSPS Work Boat

Fundraisers - Misc

Fun and Adventure with BSA Venture Crew 820