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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

Mayflower Nomination to the National Register of Historical Places

Published on 3/27/2012

On a very windy Tuesday night, March 27, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Minnesota Historical Center in St Paul MN, a meeting took place with the SHPO Review Board for the Mayflower.  This very valuable piece of maritime history finally receives the much deserved recognition by presenting a Nomination to the National Register of Historical Places.  


After the many hours and Four years of documenting the Mayflower, the work is finally completed.  It was well worth the many hours we all spent on documenting the shipwreck.   Most of the documentation was done by our mentors and Wisconsin's Historical Society's Archeologists Keith Meverden and Tamera Tompsen in collaboration with the GLSPS and both its diving and non diving members.  Funding for this project was granted by the Lake Superior Coastal Grant Program.    After the field work was completed by the GLSPS and both field Archeologists Keith and Tamara, our Minnesota Archeologist David Mather completed the Nomination to present it to the SHPO Review Board.  


The SHPO Review Board unanimously approved the Mayflower nomination to the National Register of Historical Places.  The documentation has been shipped to Washington DC and we are now waiting to receive the final documentation indicating that the Mayflower will be placed on the National Register.


 Thank you to all the members (and non members) Archeologists and GLSPS staff for all the hard work and many hours spent on the Documentation Project.


This will be the fourth nomination to the National Register of Historical Places the GLSPS has done.


We hope to continue the nominations as we find new shipwrecks and have funding available.


Thank you again,


GLSPS Board of Directors

Ken Merryman