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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

The GLSPS Participates in the 25th 2012 Gales of November Conference

Published on 11/9/2012

The GLSPS Participates in the 25th 2012 Gales of November Conference


Once again the GLSPS participates in the Gales of November Conference November 2 & 3 2012.   The conference is the last Hur Rah for the season.  Fellow divers, historians, Authors and great friends meet here to talk about our last summer’s experiences before the winter sets in.
The GLSPS has participated in this conference since 1997.  We always support each other’s organizations and those that have the same interests in helping preserve maritime history.
Every year we travel to Duluth Minnesota with all of our booth equipment and materials to display what we have done throughout the years, what we’ve done the past summer and what we plan to do for the next year.  We promoted our own 2013 UMSAT Show, sold apparel, sold new memberships and renewed current members.  We also walked around the exhibitor’s hall to visit the many booths to see what they are up to and renew any memberships that are due for us individually and for the GLSPS.
One of our own active members and former Presidents of the GLSPS was a speaker st the conference.  He gave a talk on a project he has been very involved in the last three years.  The Project is called “Grand Marais Harbor Survey Project”.   He spent much of his very little free time to survey artifacts that are laying on the bottom of the harbor.  These very valuable artifacts may need to be cataloged and relocated when progress sets in or, the artifacts will be buried forever.  It is a real problem.  If interested in this project, please contact Steve Daniel by logging on the website at and click on contact us and then click on Steve Daniel’s email address.

Please join us for the next 2013 Gales of November conference.  Here is a link to the website to learn more about the conference.



Thank you for your support,


Phil Kerber

GLSPS President