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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

GLSPS Offers Free Tours to the New HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber Facilities

Published on 4/15/2013

The GLSPS offered two free tours to the new HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber in Minneapolis MN.
On April 4 and 11, 2013 the GLSPS offered free tours to members that wanted to see the new Hyperbaric Chamber facilities.  The tours were set up by Richard Hagen for the GLSPS.  (Dick is an active GLSPS member and scuba Instructor).

Both tours took place at 2:00 PM in the afternoon and both tour days were filled up completely.  Is was a popular tour and everyone enjoyed it.

Dr. Atkins and two chamber operators Mark Pullis and Joe Harris. All were very gracious and knowledgeable, spending much time explaining, and answering our many questions. About 18 GLSPS members and guests did the tour. All were impressed and enjoyed the tour. Two of the folks touring had mentioned they have been treated here for decompression sickness before the new chamber was installed.

If you haven't seen this amazing new facilities yet, please give them a call at the HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber to see when they are offering another tour.

To learn and read more about the HCMC Hyperbaric Chamber Tours the GLSPS had, please click on the "2013 Project Reports" and then click on the program or project listed.  You can also view photos of the tour on the "Photo Page" of the website.

This is the start of many GLSPS free functions / events to align and put members together and talk about their diving experiences an how they could be more of a active member of the GLSPS.

Please check us out by joining us as a member by starting off as  a crew member which is only $25.00.  Please click on "Member Signup" and chose your level of participation.  If you would like to recommend a friend to join us as a member, please ask them to to join too.

Thank you for your support,

GLSPS Board of Directors