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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

2021 - Fun Dives - Closing Report

Jack Decker | Published on 8/29/2021
Closing Report:

Participants: Matt Lensing, Phillip Frenchick, Jeff LeMoine, Phil Kerber (Captain), Jack Decker (Project Leader)

Our Project started as any other, participants all arriving Friday night. The Prez was opened, made ready for sailing, and food stowed. Two new members, Matt and Phillip, joined us. Our Plans were to dive the Madeira and below Split Rock Lighthouse on Saturday and dive the Hesper on Sunday.

Weather looked iffy for the next morning, however.

On Saturday morning, the weather didn’t look any better. With winds from the East, the 3 to 6 ft. waves would be coming straight in to the Madeira. We decided to venture out of the marina to verify the waves. We immediately returned to the marina to wait out the waves.

About midafternoon, we once again ventured forth from the marina to check the waves. Once again, we turned back.

At this point, we decided to dive the Hesper from shore. We lugged our gear over the breakwater and did a dive. The water was surprisingly warm at 61°F. Total dive time on the Hesper was two and a half hours.

Supper in Beaver Bay, as usual.

Sunday morning the waves had laid down appreciably, so we ventured down to the Madeira. The temp at depth was 57°F, and visibility was 40 – 50 ft. Two dives for most of us, with a total dive time of five and a half hours.

Though the weather wasn’t cooperative, we did get 8 hours of dive time and two new members on board the R/V Preservation.