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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

2018 - Fun Dives - Closing Report

Jack Decker | Published on 7/1/2018
Closing Report

Crew: Phil Kerber (Captain), Jack Decker (Event Leader), Jeff LeMoine, Jim Christian, Tyler Christian, Paul Nistler, and Tim Pranke.

This year’s Fun Dives on the R/V Preservation started slow. One week prior to the event, only one member had signed up. We decided to continue, knowing some members wait till the last minute to sign up in order to give others a chance. We ended up turning people away because the project filled up!

Saturday came on bright, shiny, and calm waters, so we managed to get motoring on time to Split Rock Lighthouse and the Madeira. We splashed five divers twice on the Madeira. Seems this wreck always has more to show us, if we just take a bit of time and look.

Three of us dove the boulders underneath the lighthouse, after lunch. The caves, boulders and passageways are fascinating and exhilarating to dive around. A few beach goers were a bit startled when we surfaced near the shore on the southern side of the point.

Back at the marina, after supper together at a local restaurant, a near full moon low in the sky, good company and dutch oven brownies! Thanks Jim!

Sunday morning we dove the Hesper. We went many directions, even exploring out away from the wreck.

We had some good times, good laughs and good dives. Thank you all for joining us! But, please don’t wait so long to register next year…