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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

3DShipwrecks - Forest City

Published on 1/29/2023
We have added another popular Tobermory dive site to our database and website. The 217 ft wooden bulk freighter Forest City was built in 1870 as a tow barge and ran as consort to the R. J. Hacket. In 1872 it was converted to a steamer by adding a steeple compound engine, which can still be seen on site. In June of 1904 in a dense fog, it ran into Bear Rump Island and sank. The wreck is now a popular dive site in the Fathom Five National Marine Park in Tobermory, ON. The model was created from 2,983 30-megapixel images shot on one DPV dive by Andrew Goodman. Shooting the Forest City was a challenge due to the steep slope on which it sits. This put parts of the wreck starting in a 60 ft depth and continuing down to 150 ft, so running tracks the length of the wreck would mean significant buoyancy change. Instead the wreck was photographed in sections in circular loops which minimized the buoyancy change issue. The link to the new model is: