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Much information can also be found at the
Minnesota Historical Society,
Superior Trips, LLC, and the book
Shipwrecks Along Superior's North Shore.
The Edmund Fitzgerald:
Here is an article about the first and only two divers that have dived the Edmund Fitzgerald on open circuit scuba in September, 1995.
The Fitzgerald was not Illegal to dive at that time. However, in 2006, the Canadian Government passed a Law the will not allow anyone to dive it and two other shipwrecks in Canadian waters of Lake Superior. There is a one Million Dollar fine for diving it! The only way it can be dived is applying for a pain staking Archaeological permit by an official organization such as the GLSPS.
The GLSPS has no plan to obtain any permits for performing an Archaeology Study at this time. Scuba or Rebreather diving technology as of 2020 has not been designed for recreational or scientific diving to be safe enough for the masses at that depth yet. Even though these guys successfully completed the dive, it was very risky at best. (Planning and dedication was the key to a successful dive.
There is no doubt that some day an Archaeology Study may need to be performed to check the condition of the Edmund Fitzgerald and its official grave site for the 29 crew that lost their lives. It would be the right thing to do to keep their grave yard site monitored throughout time.
The GLSPS also maintains buoys for numerous shipwrecks, mostly along the north shore of Lake Superior. More info can be found on our
Shipwreck Mooring Buoy Management page. This is also a schedule as to when the buoys are installed and removed each year.
Sites are ordered by latitude, South to North.
Sites are ordered alphabetically.
Sites are ordered alphabetically.